Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Why so angry animals?

Meet Matilda. Or as she is known, Tilly. And it's Tilly according to her too. She's NOT Matilda. 

A bit of calm about the situation wouldn't go astray. Tilly it is.

Matilda, oops, I mean Tilly, is quite particular when it comes to her toys. She plays games with them which are rather detailed, and she will not tolerate any other person entering these games on their own terms. It's her way, or no way. 

Often I will find her toys, the animals for instance, in some very interesting arrangements.

I will sit there, staring, wondering why and how they ended up in a certain way. I create these grand stories in my head of what she was playing at the time. Like this particular time, I had pictured that they had just finished a meeting of sorts. They were just about to be invaded and had made the life threatening decision to stand there ground and defend their country. 

Usually though, what you see is what you get.

Me: What are the animals doing Tilly?

Tilly: The animals are watching TV. 

Of course they are. She turned it on for them and everything.

And just because it's funny. Meet Darcy. By far the weirdest kid I know. 

I like weird. It certainly isn't boring.

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