Sunday, August 29, 2010

What the?

Ok, obviously the seven things about me came to a pretty abrupt holt. It's due to a weekend of unforseen circumstances (nothing dramatic, just unexpected visitors and things like that). I think we were all getting a bit bored of the seven things anyway weren't we? 

Or was it just me?

Believe it or not, it's actually hard thinking of things about myself that warrant an entire post. So I'm sorry if the whole thing was one big giant snore.

I really don't know how people do the 365 day challenges. I just don't have much of anything interesting to say.

Oh, a quick but funny story.

On saturday I was busy packing away the shopping. Darcy was happily playing on the IMac. Now for those who are Mac fortunate, you know the 'textedit' feature? You know the one where you can type in a sentence or two and then hit 'speech' and it will read it back to you aloud. In the Mac voice.

The Mac voice used on most of the advertisements for Apple.

Well, it gave me a message. A loud, booming message.

"Mum smells like Poo".

Followed by the loudest scream I have ever heard. It turns out the scream was laughter, sheer delight and hysteria. One word.


Just quietly, I was a little bit chuffed that he could spell "Mum smells like poo". Flaming kid.

Enjoy the sunshine people! We may never see it again xo

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