Wednesday, August 25, 2010

About me: 3 of 7

Obsession confession!

I have a (scary) obsession with Harry Potter. 

If they had midnight premiers of all their movies...I'd be there. The obsession however, started where all Harry Potter obsessions should start...with the books. When I was 20, my motherist begged me to read them. It was before there was any real Potter hype in Australia, although it was certainly starting to bubble. I reluctantly agreed, and one day whilst sitting on the tram on my way to work, I began to read. And my chin hit the floor of the tram. I might have dribbled. People probably stared.

I was hooked in one chapter.

I remember scrambling for my mobile phone to ring mum and tell her how excited I was. It's still strange to me as I never thought I was in to fantasy books (which you may laugh at when I talk about other obsession - but don't let you turn you off this blog!) but, there is still a part of me that refuses to believe it IS fantasy. I love these characters..I feel sad when I think they might not be real.

I even spent a good part of the last few months knitting my very own Gryffindor scarf!


And I even collect my library books in my very own Flourish and Blotts library bag.

I have actually just finished reading the entire series again. And I still felt just as anxious, sad, happy, excited as the first time I read. Actually, I could barely remember what happened in the last two books as I read them so fast. I was scared someone would blab the ending and ruin it for me. So I was one of probably millions who hibernated until the book was finished.

Spoiler alert!

I even felt pain. Deep in the pit of my soul pain. When Dumbledore died. I still feel sad about it.

If you have never read this series. GO and get it. NOW! It's not just for kids. It's not a anti-christian book of hate. It's not trivial. You will love it. I promise.

Read it.

Has this confession turned you off?

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I am so glad you have a new blog, I missed your old one, it made me laugh sooo much!! xx
