Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A celebration and some sun.

This week we celebrated my beautiful sisters last birthday in her 20's.

I think I am allowed to tell the internets that. Aren't I?

We celebrated in true sisterly style...a movie, shopping and of course lots of food, both good and bad. The movie we saw was 'Dinner for Shmucks'. Very very funny.

Possibly the weirdest movie I have seen. But funny.

Birthdays are quite fun in our family. First of all there are rules, which are as follows:

1. The birthdayee will do no work, be this house or any other variety; unless that job is of the paid variety and your boss won't allow you the day off.

2. They birthdayer, all those around the birthdayee, will do everything. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Except wiping bums (unless belonging to said birthdayee's children) and other personal bodily maintenance that wouldn't be seen outside a hospital.

3. There are no diets on birthdays. None. Calories go on holidays along with the fat they accumulate. Birthdays are the excuse to enjoy any type of food desired, guilt free. Beware non- birthday people, this kind of throwing caution to the wind is contagious on birthdays.

4. Presents. Enough said.

5. Singing happy birthday. Loud. If the neighbours can't hear it. YOU FAIL. If New Zealand can't hear it. YOU FAIL. 

Get my drift?

Exhibit A: Begins with a warm up by Tilly, followed by the real thing.

It is quite likely that we are in fact, all mad.

Given the level of enthusiasm and the extent of the festivities, it's really no wonder that Tilly has been talking about her birthday for weeks. Months even. It's two weeks away now and I can't wait.

This kid wants everything for her birthday. But mainly pets. 

PETS. Eddie is a pet dammit!

And look, she's warming up to it already. All she needs is Darcy to fan her with palm leaves and me to feed her grapes.

It could happen yet. Don't laugh.

I do love birthdays.

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