Sunday, August 29, 2010

What the?

Ok, obviously the seven things about me came to a pretty abrupt holt. It's due to a weekend of unforseen circumstances (nothing dramatic, just unexpected visitors and things like that). I think we were all getting a bit bored of the seven things anyway weren't we? 

Or was it just me?

Believe it or not, it's actually hard thinking of things about myself that warrant an entire post. So I'm sorry if the whole thing was one big giant snore.

I really don't know how people do the 365 day challenges. I just don't have much of anything interesting to say.

Oh, a quick but funny story.

On saturday I was busy packing away the shopping. Darcy was happily playing on the IMac. Now for those who are Mac fortunate, you know the 'textedit' feature? You know the one where you can type in a sentence or two and then hit 'speech' and it will read it back to you aloud. In the Mac voice.

The Mac voice used on most of the advertisements for Apple.

Well, it gave me a message. A loud, booming message.

"Mum smells like Poo".

Followed by the loudest scream I have ever heard. It turns out the scream was laughter, sheer delight and hysteria. One word.


Just quietly, I was a little bit chuffed that he could spell "Mum smells like poo". Flaming kid.

Enjoy the sunshine people! We may never see it again xo

Friday, August 27, 2010

About me: 5 of 7

I love music. And most kinds. And even though the blood is running cold in my father as I type - I have actually been known to like a country tune or two. Ok, I've probably laughed at more country songs than actually liked, but still - there's enjoyment to be had. "A woman needs a cowboy, like he needs a rodeo" - country lyrics, what's not to love?

My first music purchase I ever made with my own money was...Achy Breaky Heart....Ouch.

One of my favourite past times is making playlists using Itunes. I do it for fun and a lot for procrastination. When I have major assignments due at uni, you can guarantee I have a killer playlist going on.

which of course needs a lot of fine tuning at various points of the day

Adam and I make a point of trying to see as much live music as possible, so it's unsurprising that the Big Day Out is one of our most anticipated events. What's not to love about seeing so many very cool bands, all on the same day, for less than $150?

My favourite live acts this year have been Muse (Big Day Out), Tame Impala (Big Day Out and The Gov) and The Temper Trap. That dude, is just amazing. 

Tame Impala (Big Day Out)


I've also been listening to the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince soundtrack quite a bit too. Did I mention I like Harry Potter?

I like Harry Potter.

Am I boring yet? Only two days left.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

About me: 4 of 7

I like football. Australian Rules football. And I think it's fair to say, I like it quite a lot. I have even been known to have (real) fights with my nearest and dearest friends over it. Yes, that's right. Over football.

I never win.

Adam and I have been members of the club since 2003 - when I was busy growing Darcy.

It's funny really, it used to just be the two of us for a couple of years, then the inlaws arrived on the scene. Then my sister and her husband and her two kids arrived, and now we get strays coming along to different games too. 

Adam and Ash (my brother)

It's a fantastic atmosphere and I think understanding the game is just a bonus, you don't really need to know anything to eat pies and chiko rolls, laugh at the angry supporters and get involved in the collective cheer when the home team gets a goal.

My dad, sister, kids and brother in law.

It has to be this way. I even managed to get my dad to come along to several games now.

Of his own free will.

Footy is another thing you should all have a go at. Even if it's just for the atmosphere. Even if it's just for the food. And if you go and support my team - you'll probably manage to get in for free!

I'm not sure that is a good thing...

So what began as a little event on a weekend for Adam and I, has now turned into quite the family event! I love that we are creating these memories for the kids, even if Tilly would prefer to stay at home with Granny. Philistine. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

About me: 3 of 7

Obsession confession!

I have a (scary) obsession with Harry Potter. 

If they had midnight premiers of all their movies...I'd be there. The obsession however, started where all Harry Potter obsessions should start...with the books. When I was 20, my motherist begged me to read them. It was before there was any real Potter hype in Australia, although it was certainly starting to bubble. I reluctantly agreed, and one day whilst sitting on the tram on my way to work, I began to read. And my chin hit the floor of the tram. I might have dribbled. People probably stared.

I was hooked in one chapter.

I remember scrambling for my mobile phone to ring mum and tell her how excited I was. It's still strange to me as I never thought I was in to fantasy books (which you may laugh at when I talk about other obsession - but don't let you turn you off this blog!) but, there is still a part of me that refuses to believe it IS fantasy. I love these characters..I feel sad when I think they might not be real.

I even spent a good part of the last few months knitting my very own Gryffindor scarf!


And I even collect my library books in my very own Flourish and Blotts library bag.

I have actually just finished reading the entire series again. And I still felt just as anxious, sad, happy, excited as the first time I read. Actually, I could barely remember what happened in the last two books as I read them so fast. I was scared someone would blab the ending and ruin it for me. So I was one of probably millions who hibernated until the book was finished.

Spoiler alert!

I even felt pain. Deep in the pit of my soul pain. When Dumbledore died. I still feel sad about it.

If you have never read this series. GO and get it. NOW! It's not just for kids. It's not a anti-christian book of hate. It's not trivial. You will love it. I promise.

Read it.

Has this confession turned you off?

Monday, August 23, 2010

About me: 2 of 7

I am a student of nursing. According to the university through which I am studying, we can't call ourselves 'Student Nurses'. Apparently it implies all too much that we are actual nurses. Never mind the fact that we do a large range of activities undertaken by Registered Nurses (RN), and the fact that we are now, by law, required to register with the Nurses Board as Student We are still 'Student's of Nursing'.

Don't you just love it?

I have been at the University now for 6 years. Six years. And I still have a year and a bit to go. It all has to do with growing people and studying at the same time - they tend to clash in some ways and so the degree collecting has had to wait. But that's years in the grand scheme of things, it isn't so much.

I am not sure yet where I will end up. I do like the idea of emergency nursing. But as yet, I have had no experience with it. So it could end up on my list of most soul destroying jobs of all time.

There is only one job on that list thus far. (retail)

Interesting they issue us 'Student's of Nursing' these 'Nursing Student' ID badges.
In the immortal words of Pete Townshend "Who are you?".

At the moment this is my thing. But we'll see. I am open to many things including living and working in another part of this big country.

So. University. Takes up even more of my time along with the two people I grew once (and continue to water everyday). Hmm, plant connotations. Interesting.

More things about me tomorrow. 


Sunday, August 22, 2010

About me: 1 of 7

One of the most important things about me is that I have a couple of these:


I have Darcy, six. And Matilda, three. They are almost seven and four. Seven. And Four. How? Anyway, that's a whole other post. So these little kidlings keep me busy most of the time. 

Darcy is a little man. He often says things to me like 'You are beautiful mummy' or 'You are so nice to me, making my breakfast'. It's those little things that count in life. He also notices if I buy new clothes and will always comment appropriately. I firmly believe that it is because he sees his dad do the same thing all the time. I really am lucky to have two amazing boys in my life.

Matilda is, well, me. If I had died at some point in my life, well she is me incarnate. It's really scary actually.  She has the same caring, loving side which can quickly turn evil if things don't quite work out the way she sees fit. She really is my little girl with the little curl, right down the middle of her forehead. My motherist used to say the same thing to me all the time as a little girl and now I truly know what she means. 

Together, as brother and sister, they are amazing. They get on like a house on fire. They play trains and cars, cops and robbers, mums and dads, dogs and cats. You name it, they play it. They even call each other 'hun' and 'darling'. Cute. 


Is there anything more soul destroying than fighting? In particular kiddly, bickering, dibber dobbing fighting? I'd say not.

 except maybe working in soul is still trying to put itself back together

They fight too. A lot. But I reckon that's just kids. I still have a dent in my shin where my sister kicked me during a cat fight as (almost) teenagers. I wonder if it's too late to sue?

I also have one of these:

He's been around for almost nine years. But I can honestly say it feels like much, much less. We say it often. And we feel lucky. He really is my best friend. Half the time is spent rolling my eyes at his stupid 'Dad's joke' routines, the other, cracking up at his quirky jokes and his general bitchiness. Love this man.

We all live together in a modest little house where you will find muddy footy boots at the front door, and unfolded baskets of washing in the living room. Where you don't have to take your shoes off and where you'll more often than not be offered a 'nanna rug' for your knees. It's home. And I love it.

Stay tuned :)

Who am I?

As this is a new blog, I thought it might be nice to know a little about me...the writer. But instead of doing one 'All about me post', I have decided to stretch it out. Instead, I'll do a post a day for the next seven days. It will be 'Seven things about me'. Just to make it a bit more interesting. 

Starts tomorrow :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I think I am a plant.

About a year ago, I was in a similar situation to now, I was waiting for winter to break and for spring to shower us with warmth and sunshine -it was then that I had a strange thought.

I think I am a plant.

In particular, a flower. I feel better with sunlight. I open up. I am happy. Don't you think that flowers are happy? I thought I was mental. Why wouldn't I? Until my motherist gave me a copy of this book. A book. About a girl, who discovers she is a flower. Well, a fairy flower, but a flower none the less. It's weird, I know.

I haven't thought about this book, or myself being a (maybe) flower. Until today. Sunday. I opened the blind early this morning to discover this:

At first I was confused, it's been so long since I've seen it. But then, I felt happy. And my flower theory returned as my face was drawn upwards in to it's warmth.

It has been a long winter people. A rude, offensive and mean winter. But this here is a glimpse that it's almost over and we can start living again! 

Welcome to Eddie on the Run :)