Thursday, December 9, 2010

And it's Christmas.

It's the Christmas season. And I couldn't be happier. Everything in the year leads to this time of year. In those times mid winter, when I'm feeling low - I think of the smell of Christmas trees, mince pies and Bing Crosby on the Ipod. And I feel tingles of happiness inside.

When the Christmas tree moves in for the month, the smell is divine! I love nothing more than walking through my front door and being hit by that smell. It's the smell of good spirits!

I love my Christmas tree during the day.

I adore my Christmas tree at night.

I don't know about you, but I like to decorate all parts of the house. I like to be able to see Christmas in my home no matter what I am doing.

And don't you think that there is nothing more like home than Christmas?

I love these little guys. They were a souvenir from my trip to Melbourne. But the miniest Santa, in this particular photo, is totally giving me the creeps.

Whatchya lookin' at Santa??

It also wouldn't be Christmas without our end of year parties. We've had Playgroup, school, Playgroup Adults dinner, and tonight - Adam's Christmas drinks.

This year at Playgroup, I think we had the real Father Christmas visit us. He was amazing. He was big! And he was jolly. I wanted to take him home.

This is my favourite shelf at home. I tried to capture it at night, because that's when it's the prettiest. But, I haven't worked out night photos yet. One day.

All these pieces are from Melbourne too. I was on a Christmas mission there!

And don't you just love my Christmas paper? It came from Borders. Borders! Great books, fabulous coffee - and beautiful Christmas paper. Love that place.

Incase you were wondering, this years recommended Christmas album, from me - to you, is 50's Rock'n'Roll & Rockabilly Christmas. It's fantastic! And even Adam doesn't try and kill himself as a more positive option than listening to it. So that has to be a testament to how good it is. Try it, it's only $6.99 for fifty tunes. Gold.

Merry Christmas!


  1. That santa is creepy- it is like he is taunting out

  2. Your deccos are so pretty! Love them! xo

  3. Im diggin that paper Rach..LOVE IT!

    Love your decos - might take a picture of where I am up to, and share on the blog.

    AND thanks for the tip on the christmas tunes. Im thinking we should do a swap of a CD of favourite tunes?? Whatdoyasay??
