Friday, January 2, 2015

The Back O' Bourke.

The most important box. Chargers.

Us being cool with the Cunnamulla Fella

Crossing the border

Oops, left the car in QLD when we went to NSW

Long and (not) winding road

Tild pretending to be scared of the storm.

Darcy not so impressed by the storm rolling in.

Driving to get salad. Bit scary!

Amazing storm heading in behind the trees.

Blogging in the camper while it rains.

Today we made if from Charleville to Bourke.

Let's talk about Charleville. How is it that small towns have a reputation for being unwelcoming where the locals spend their time staring at tourists? Because this town? The nicest town ever. It is in the middle of nowhere. It's hot. Isolated. And yet every person we walked past said hi, offered us information about sights to see and were just generally amazing. It was really the last thing I expected. The town kind of woke up today too.

I saw more than the previous 1.1 people.

There are a few cool little tourist destinations to visit. One even opened up early for us because they saw we were hanging around!

See? Nice.

Today's trek also saw us cross the border from Queensland into New South Wales. Cue the red dirt and better roads. We did the obligatory border stop, with the kids marvelling at how original they were to be jumping from one state to another, and back again.

It has never been done before.

Today also marked the first camper erection. Sorry, couldn't think of another word for erection it is. We were in a bit of a hurry because driving into Bourke, meant heading towards some serious weather. And here I was thinking Bourke was dry. Not so much. We popped the camper in record time (popped! There's another word!) - 20 minutes - and not a minute too soon because the heavens opened up and bucketed down upon us. It was kind of exciting! We were even treated to a pretty spectacular light and thunder show.

Bit scary at times.

Once that passed, we set off to the pool to cool down, as the rain had not so much cooled down but rather it had a hot steamy shower and forgotten to turn the fan on.


Now the rain has passed. The wind has gone and we are settling in for our first night camping. What a tremendous country we live in. We feel so lucky to be able to tour around like we are, with the kids in tow and experiencing it all for the first time. If you have ever thought about doing something like this, I would highly recommend it. You don't have to do great day drives if you don't want to. There are plenty of stops along the way - some prettier than others but all pretty interesting. And the people you meet along the way all end up being party of a damn good story.

So get out there!

Tomorrow, Broken Hill.


Road Trip Tally:

Turn arounds: 1
Road Kill: 848, 265
Car Arguments: 1
Branches hitting the windscreen: 1
Fuel Stops: 2
Bug attacks: 3
Conversations with strangers about BT-50: 2

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