Friday, December 28, 2012

Thank you for the days..

Spotting Koala's in trees...

Days and places like these, make me happy. Only a few days of the year left. How are you spending yours?

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Under Construction

Hi friends,

Things could get ugly here for awhile while I try and change a few things up. There should be some more action around the traps soon as I keep all the family updated on the trek across Oz to our new home...

So stay tuned!

Rach x

Ps feel free to laugh as I work it all out...not current chopped off header :/

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Great Needle Aventure.

So it's been a long time between drinks, and I only blame the lack of life I lead for it. But there has been something brewing for a while and I wanted to wait until it was official before I announced it and then blogged about it. Good news is for any one who reads this blog, is that there will be more to read about in the upcoming future!
A little background before the announcement.

He has worked a fly in fly out job for the past 8 years. This means that while he gets to spend a lot of time at home with the family, he also has to spend a lot of time away from the family too - which isn't always ideal, but has worked for us.
Me: I started my nursing degree years ago with the idea in mind that having a flexible job meant that I could be free and ready to experience life in another part of the country or world without the difficulty of employment. People are sick everywhere - therefore nurses are everywhere.
A few years ago it was announced through Adam's work that they were going to create some work in Gladstone, QLD. After lots of chatting, Adam registered his interest and then we kind of forgot about it for awhile. Fast forward a few years to June, and Adam got a call for an interview, attended the interview and got offered the job - all in the space of a month. The job requires us all to move to Gladstone for a minimum of three years.
Three years. I know.
So we thought about it - and despite the head spinning and heart aching that has been happening at the thought of leaving our whole life and moving interstate, we've decided to go for it. We've decided to have an adventure.
Adventures are fun, right?
But why do I need to remind myself that this is what I've wanted to do, like, forever? Why am I FREAKING OUT?
We'll get to live like a normal family, with a dad that comes home every day. My kids don't know that life.
We get to earn lots of money are have a crack at making our financial future a little bit easier.
We get to do the rural thing - something we have both dreamed of.
But we also leave our families. Our home. Our friends. The gorgeous school we send our kids too. Their friends.
My sister. (Can't talk about that one, makes me feel sick).
But we are choosing adventure. It's only 3 years - it's only a plane flight away - it's only a skype date or a phone call.
We can be brave. We can do this.
So as of January, Gladstone - look out for the Needles!
PS. This will now be the official update centre for family and friends who are interested enough to follow the adventure. So stay tuned for more bloggy blog posts to come!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Makes me happy!

Check this out!!!

Hot anyone??

This weather, it truly makes me happy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


We pondered for about, 15 seconds, on what was the best way to spend this Valentine's Day. It was quickly decided that dinner at the beach with the kids was the best way to go.

So a packed salad and a hot chook later - we were there.

And look what was waiting to greet us.

And as the sun went down, it began to rain. It was glorious!

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you too spent it with the one's you love the most.

Rach xx

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, February 11, 2012


So, last post was about Christmas.

We'll just pretend that didn't happen, shall we?

I am a working woman. For money. For reals.

 That is me handing in my last ever paper work needed to be a Registered Nurse!

How's that working out for me? Really good actually - because at the moment I kinda have a wife, a wife who builds stuff like pergola's. And has a penis.

Actually he's just a really good husband, but if I wrote an entire post about how much I love that bloke, he'd probably grow a mangina and cry about it - so I don't need to go there. He cooks, cleans, does readers, plays with the kids and packs lunches. You get the idea.

So anyway, work is really great. Actually I cannot BELIEVE I get paid to do this job. It's actually quite an experience to be in my workplace and have people ask me questions about my opinion - only to have my eyebrows disappear into my hair with the question of 'Why the hell are you asking me?' forming on my lips, only to remember that, oh yeah! I actually get to have an opinion now. And I count. Unlike being a student.

Lowers eyebrows.

Just quietly, I am going to be the most freaking AWESOME nurse when it comes time to pass on my knowledge to nursing students. Being a nursing student sucks asshole when you have unsupportive people around you. Seriously. And I am going to be a nurse who will shoot the shit out of the saying "Nurses eat their young" - which was in all seriousness told to me on my last clinical placement.


On to other things.

This summer has been very, very cool. And at the moment - that could not be more literal. It's cold. But if I begin writing about that I'll get all irrational and angry, at well - the weather. Which isn't cool.

But this summer was packed full of So. Much. Fun:



New Year. Once again I was given the opportunity to go to Adam's work. I seriously love that his employer will fly up a bunch of women to spend time with their men. It's such an awesome experience, and this year it was not unlike the scene in that movie "The Boat that Rocked" (only the best movie ever) where the women are travelling towards the boat full of men, except there was no boat. Or water. All the cheering and giggling. It was very cool.


Australia Day. Only the best Australia Day we have had yet. One that had Adam building mini pergolas out of leftover materials in preparation for the big day. This year was the 9th Annual, next year, the 10th. We'll have to plan something big for that day!


Big Day Out 2012 - it went back old school. And it kinda worked. For us anyway. Here I am standing next to the poster of the first Big Day Out I ever attended. So - ten years of Big Day Out! 


Random beach visits.


I am desperate for the good weather to come back and pull us out of this wintery reprieve. I want to suck the last bit of life out of this awesome summer! Want to help? Cool. Get on it.

Rach x