So it's been a long time between drinks, and I only blame the lack of life I lead for it. But there has been something brewing for a while and I wanted to wait until it was official before I announced it and then blogged about it. Good news is for any one who reads this blog, is that there will be more to read about in the upcoming future!
A little background before the announcement.

He has worked a fly in fly out job for the past 8 years. This means that while he gets to spend a lot of time at home with the family, he also has to spend a lot of time away from the family too - which isn't always ideal, but has worked for us.
Me: I started my nursing degree years ago with the idea in mind that having a flexible job meant that I could be free and ready to experience life in another part of the country or world without the difficulty of employment. People are sick everywhere - therefore nurses are everywhere.
A few years ago it was announced through Adam's work that they were going to create some work in Gladstone, QLD. After lots of chatting, Adam registered his interest and then we kind of forgot about it for awhile. Fast forward a few years to June, and Adam got a call for an interview, attended the interview and got offered the job - all in the space of a month. The job requires us all to move to Gladstone for a minimum of three years.
Three years. I know.
So we thought about it - and despite the head spinning and heart aching that has been happening at the thought of leaving our whole life and moving interstate, we've decided to go for it. We've decided to have an adventure.
Adventures are fun, right?
But why do I need to remind myself that this is what I've wanted to do, like, forever? Why am I FREAKING OUT?
We'll get to live like a normal family, with a dad that comes home every day. My kids don't know that life.
We get to earn lots of money are have a crack at making our financial future a little bit easier.
We get to do the rural thing - something we have both dreamed of.
But we also leave our families. Our home. Our friends. The gorgeous school we send our kids too. Their friends.
My sister. (Can't talk about that one, makes me feel sick).
But we are choosing adventure. It's only 3 years - it's only a plane flight away - it's only a skype date or a phone call.
We can be brave. We can do this.
So as of January, Gladstone - look out for the Needles!
PS. This will now be the official update centre for family and friends who are interested enough to follow the adventure. So stay tuned for more bloggy blog posts to come!

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