And probably due to the fact that the most interesting things that have happened in my life have happened in the hospital, and I can't talk about it. As much as I would LOVE to. Honestly, imagine how awesome blogs about ED departments would be, if you were allowed to talk about it.
Once I finished my placement there (only one more to go!) I decided to take the kids to Melbourne on a sort of impromtue visit to see my sister in law and her two, beautiful girls. It was her eldest daughters second birthday (yep, two under two - she's a hero!) and I thought it was a perfect opportunity to visit.
To say the kids were excited would be an understatement. They couldn't talk of anything else - I'm surprised Darcy still had friends at school. He didn't stop talking about going on a plane and telling them all how much they were going to miss him.
He's a humble child.
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Don't be deceived by Tilly's face. She really was excited. |
I'll give you some time to stop laughing before reading on.
Done? Good.
After Aquarium things, we hiked up the road to Degraves for lunch. It wasn't the same. But I did have a red velvet cupcake from the cupcake shop. That was the same. Delicious.
After that I made an attempt to go to the new Zara store that had opened on Bourke street. Yep, not going to happen - not only was there a line up in front of the store - with security guards - but the thought of weaving my way through with two kids, actually find something within my budget to purchase, trying it on and paying for it, was just too much. A kind of torture that we mothers have all done once. And we learned. And never did it again.
Luckily Im going to Melbourne again in October for my sisters 30th birthday. Zara and I will hook up then.
So that was Melbourne. Alone, with the kids. It was successful, not stressful, and a good indication that I can do things like travel interstate by myself with more than just a suitcase or two in tow.
Win for me.
A week or so later, when Adam was back from work, we went to Arkaroola. We bid on it in a travel auction on tv. You know the ones they tend to show later in the afternoon? The ones that entice you to strange, or far locations you wouldn't ordinarily think of going to?
Those ones.
Well, we bid. And we won it. A little back story: When I saw the advertisment for Arkaroola, I asked Adam how far away it was. He said it wasn't that much further than the farm - which is about a four hour drive from here. Cool - no worries.
Turns out - the farm is about half way. Yep, about 7-8 hours from here. Not cool. But doable.
And we did it.
A few things I'd like to say about Arkaroola:
- the scenery is breath taking. There is something magical about being nestled in amongst such vast ranges and beautiful, red earth.
- it is amazingly quiet. And it has no internet or phone. And is the perfect setting to relax, taking casual walks through the bush (or not so casual, depends what floats your boat) and reading books. All guilt free.
- Go on the Ridgetop tour. At all costs. It cost us coming back a day later due to the tour being cancelled due to inclement weather. Do it. It's worth every cent.
- You don't need a 4WD. You can drive the tracks to some beautiful lookout spots, creeks and waterfall areas in your 2WD. But your 2WD - it won't ever be the same again. And you will hear noises under your car that can only mean great gaping holes and oil and things spewing out.
(this didn't happen, but it sounded like it should have).
- We are getting a 4WD. Arkaroola was the last sign we needed to tell us that it was time.
- Be prepared to spend $7.50 for a standard block of Cadbury's chocolate. And $6.00 for an old loaf of deep frozen bread. In other words, take your own food.
Im not yet convinced I would recommend Arkaroola, but I wouldn't disuade anyone from going either. It's definitely an experience you won't forget and will most likely enjoy.
Thanks for having me back xxx