Thursday, February 24, 2011

The best motivation.

So yesterday marked my the first day back at uni for 2011. That's right, after six, long years - I'm finally in my seventh. If I didn't think I had staying power before, I certainly do now!

You can't deny it.

So I drove in to the cement carpark where nothing had changed and I pay a premium to be.

But I can imagine that it's cheap compared to many.

I walked through the over airconditioned office and was spoken to like I was the biggest inconvenience known to man, or in this case, woman, and I felt like I was home.

Then I went into the cafeteria, where I paid $5.50 for a ham and cheese sandwich, and $3.50 for a small, diet coke. I washed up in the bathroom with no soap, a disctint smell of urine and toilet paper on the floor, and then hiked through the tired halls to the lecture theatre to find my seat.

The lecture began, and I huffed and sighed and grunted - trying in vain to get comfortable in the flip down plastic they pass off as seats. I rolled my eyes when told we should try to cram as much into our lives and cope, all the while getting fantastic marks. Because apparently it looks better on your resume if you can cook, clean, work a job, volunteer in the community on the side whilst studying full time and still get distinctions. It shows you are capable of multitasking.

I wonder if they would say the same if it was a lecture theatre full of men?

Then I hoorayed when the next lecturer told us the importance of prioritising this year. And then rolled my eyes again at the conflicting advice.

Typical University.

And then, when I was feeling stressed, and annoyed, and hungry (the ham sandwich didn't cut it) - they flashed up this:

To see those words. Final year! I can't believe it. All the hard work, sweat, tears and maybe a few times - blood (!) I am about to finish what I started all those years ago. And you know what? I'll probably miss the piss toilets and the shitty, overpriced food. I'll even miss the cement carpark! But at the same time, Im so excited to be something I only ever dreamed of being. A nurse.

Wish me luck and good learning vibes!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

21 - 8 = 13.

And that is the amount of days that have gone by without a post to speak of. Why is this so? Well - really, it's because I have been so completely flat out. Doing nothing - but fun things.

That's right. The kids went back to school/kindy/daycare, which means I have had three days a week with no kids, so whilst I have done the right thing some of the time; meaning I have started to prepare for this coming semester at uni, and I have been learning how to do drug calculations.

Without a calculator. I know. Scary and shit huh?

I have also been doing a whole lot of shopping, drinking coffee,

Gloria Jeans staff may or may not know my name.

And catching up on Season One of The OC (which, by the way, I never watched the first time because I thought it was lame. I'm still convinced it's not lame, but I'm watching it all the same). That rhymed.

And amongst all of this nothingness, there has been a whole lot of nothing going on in the brain department too. So posts that have been started and deleted have gone a little something like this.

"So, how's stuff? Do you like stuff? I like stuff. 

How annoying are people? Do people annoy you? People annoy me.

How hard are drug calcs? Drug calcs are so hard without a calculator. I hate maths."

So yeah. Be grateful, internets, that I haven't blogged in thirteen days. Because otherwise you would actually be dumber after reading it. And have wasted valuable time, which could be said about this post. Except that I thought I would share with you my art house film I talked about ages know the one for the family competition??

Well, here is my entry. It features none other than Eddie, from which the name of this blog was inspired.


Comment your thoughts on the meaning of, or lack of, the film you are about to embark on.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Holy No Post Batman!

Yep, I know. Blog drought. But you know what they say - the greater the drought, the greater the flood - which is a really bad pun in relation to the flood of photos about to hit this post, and also a little not cool in relation to QLD and their floods.

Different. Not the same. I am totally aware of this.

So, where have you been? Well, on top of the Annual Australia Day/Triple J Hottest 100 BBQ which is an event I look forward from on the 27th of January every year, all year, there is another such event. The Annual Big Day Out. Which for those of you who don't know what that is

Get out of under that rock you have been hiding under..

It's where a whole lot of awesome Australian and International bands group together as one and tour the Australia, putting on all ages, one day events in major cities across Australia. Which, by the way DOES include Adelaide - so there! We are so totally major.

Suck it.

And it is totally all ages (over 15), from teens to great grandpas. Honestly, how awesome are old rockers in The Who t-shirts?

Adam and I have been every year we've been together minus a few where unforeseen circumstances like trips to England (which, incidentally was foreseen) and pregnancy and breastfeeding episodes (half of which were also foreseen) have not allowed this to occur. Actually, Adam totally broke my BDO cherry by buying me my first ticket back in 2002.

He's awesome like that.

Over the years it has expanded to include an entire weekend away, as we quickly came to realise that the Big Day Out was so big, it needed a day of recovery. So we conned the parentals to particpate by adopting our kids for a whole weekend, and now the BDO is a whole, big, fat weekend out. That's right, the BDO followed by two nights in a hotel room. Where we sleep.

And stuff.

There is so much I love about the BDO which includes that fact that it is in the hottest part of summer and so warrants giant sunflowers that spray water onto the crowd to keep them cool.

And the fact that this random dude totally wore this hat. And no shirt.

And the fact that there is an area called 'Lilyworld' where giant red balls float around from group to group, and giant inflatable, fairy like mushrooms represent what has most likely been consumed in the area from maybe fifty percent of it's patrons.

I am in the other fifty percent.

And whilst Reggie Watts sets up his own gear, there are psychedelic dancers flapping their arms around.

Quite possibly the weirdest part of the day, but equally as peace loving and awesome. And Reggie Watts, man you can stack some shit bro!


The day after the BDO event, we lazily make our way (after a huge and massive sleep in, till 9am) through the bookshops and other exciting places we don't have locally, but the 'city' so generously opens up to us. And then we head to the Central Markets.

I luuuuuurve the Central Markets. We ate lunch in the asian food hall and then shopped for all things plattery and antipastoish to eat later in our hotel room.

My favourites are the plum quince paste, marinated fetta and the sneaky little lemon curd tart which made it in to the shopping bag.

Nice one Lemon Curd Tart, I salute you (and then I ate you).

And because the stars aligned and smiled on our weekend, the cricket final happened to fall on our second anti-child night, and so we totally attended that too.

And they won. And Adam was glad.

And the best part of our totally awesome, Big Day Out weekend of eating, sleeping and luxury, and much needed one on one, no kids time?

Was coming home to those two - who we actually got a chance to miss. Which is a great feeling hey? So Tilly and I celebrated by having tea for two. And then we had the inaugural bi-annual KFC lunch, which of course led to the post-KFC hate fest (Where my stomach and 'stines hated me for two days after) and we were all once again reminded of the reason why we never eat KFC. Except after six months when we've forgotten how it's an awesome at the time, shit later kind of idea.

The end.
